HEALING Festival

The exhibition H E A L I N G (2.04-30.06) includes the HEALING festival: interactive workshops and courses on Bodywork, self-awareness, mindfulness, and work-life balance, here the topics:

Gabi Becker: RADICAL I AM! Saturday April 14, and Friday, June 29, 6-8pm, 7 € Gabi Becker is an awareness coach, presenter and artist in Berlin. She shows people how they can live full and extraordinary lives. How do you find who you really are? How do you leave behind the conditions that prevent you from a happy, fulfilling life? Talk and Q+A. More information at http://radikalichsein.de/

Ulrike Hofmann-Schüll, artist, healer and author in Fürth
How art and hands can heal, Healing – Workshop, April 28, 2-6 pm, 10 € 2-3 pm, Creativity and the Healing of Mind and Feeling, 3-6pm Introduction to Healing with Hands. What can I do for myself? How can I support others? Guidance and practice, Q+A. Please RSVP at praxis@tiger-gold.de, More information at www.tiger-gold.de

Sophie Kinkel, Somatic Coaching & Transformative Bodywork
Effortlessness, Saturday May 26th, 11am-1 pm, by donation
More information at: https://www.sophiekinkel.de/

Beate Flierl Pachamama aura-purification, Saturday, May 19th, 9-10 pm, 15 € (10 € reduced)
We bring the round carpet to action. Let us stimulate the improvement of bad energies and purify ourselves. We stabilize our connection to the earth and the cosmos, remove obstacles, and chant an improvised song. This kind of ritual is always personal, beautiful, and funny. Please bring a healing stone, basil, or herb, such as mugwort, or an organic egg, as well as fruit and flowers for the altar. More information at: http://www.handwebart.de/

Doreen Trittel, artist
Collage workshop: The Beauty of Art and its Powers, Saturday June 2nd, 2-6 pm, by donation
Let us celebrate creative togetherness with a collage. Experience … how through the damage of tearing and cutting, shaping and gluing, something new and wonderful arises – to your heart’s content. If you prefer, you may bring personal materials such as photos, paper, and fabric scraps. Newspaper, scissors, and glue are useful as well. No previous artistic experience is necessary. Reserve one of the eight spots at kontakt@hehocra.de

Lutz-Michael Weiß, Healer, psychic advisor, TCM/Qi Gong Therapist,, Dipl. Ing. degree in organic medicine
Qi Gong, Mindfulness and Meditation: Saturday, April 7, Saturday and Saturday, June 16, from 12-1 pm
Donation based (Spenden erbeten), max 8 participants!
More at: https://www.medqigong.de/

Benjamin Block & Jochen Stechmann: holistic bodywork, somatic coaching
Simple and emotional: In the body at home, 30 June, 3-5pm (by donation); In connection: individual 25-minute “mini sessions” for increased awareness and disengagement (by donation) 5-7pm
Benjamin Block is a dancer, choreographer, and certified somatic practitioner. He works as a bodyworker with a holistic approach in Berlin (with the Grinsberg method and Pantarei approach). After completing his degree at the Folkwang University of Art in Essen, he spent over twelve years as a freelance dancer, choreographer, and teacher. His work is influenced by the desire to understand your body. While recovering from a long-term injury, he realized the need for change and increased awareness. Today, his focus is on helping people achieve personal transformations of stress management and recovery. Since 2013 he has offered a variety of workshops to teach bodily awareness and with the hope of strengthening one’s body and life. He protects the vital and creative process of his costumers and connects to their bodily experiences, balancing a variety of levels.

Jochen Stechmann studied math and modern dance and spent a few years as a dancer, choreographer, and theater performer in Amsterdam. Since 2014, he has been working as a Somatic Coach with the Pantarei Approach and Grinberg Method in Berlin. He has experienced firsthand with friends the transformative power of touch, bodily awareness, and intuitive self-regulation of the body.