UPDATE: A big warm thanks for your more than 100 applications! We have chosen 30 artists & designers, whose names will be published very soon.
PAULINA’S FRIENDS is pleased to present an Open Call opportunity to artists, designers and artisans of the world. In our exhibition ‘Healing’ we will be presenting the work of those who create art as a process of finding strength, hope and catharsis.
In our planned exhibition “HEALING”, we want to showcase creatives who find hope, relaxation and personal salvation in their art & design.
Just like Frida Kahlo painting to objectify her physical and emotional sufferings, and the infamous blue period of Pablo Picasso, many artists continue to express fear, trauma and coming to terms with struggles, fears, weaknesses and inner boundaries through their work.
PAULINA’S FRIENDS wants to see your artistic processes of “HEALING” that capture your personal emotional stories. Whether they represent experiences of heartbreak, loss or losing your favorite dress, or a personanal resurrection, we want to celebrate the beauty of art in its ability to heal, transform and revive. Furthermore we would like to get to know the artists & designers from the human, personal side.
If you are an artist who creates work in an act of personal or social “HEALING”, please send us your proposal with max 3 pictures of your work to hello@paulinasfriends.com There are no restrictions according to genre, technique, size etc.
Deadline for appications is 04.02.18
Contribution towards expenses: 300 € (plus 19 % VAT -> 357 € for those living in Germany) in case you are accepted for the exhibition. Every artist/designer participats with 1 piece. The exhibition will be curated by Paulina Tsvetanova.
The exhibition will take place in three months April, May and June 2018 (2.04-30.06) during the Gallery Weekend (27-29.04) in our Concept Gallery PAULINA’S FRIENDS in Berlin-Mitte.
The opening will be on Thursday, 26.04 at 19h.
Opening times of the HEALING exhibition: Mo-Sa 12-19h.
The fee includes marketing & promotion costs, press work, space rental, staff, etc. Each artist accepted to the exhibition will receive a free permanent profile at www.paulinasfriends.com/en/art or www.paulinasfriends.com/en/design in German & English (if not already available) and will be listed in an online magazine post with a personal statement about „HEALING“.
In case of sales artists/designers will get 80 % from the net price, the gallery 20 %. For all transports and setting up their work, each artist/designer will be responsible.
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